Thursday, June 18, 2009

OC Binding Camp

The last 2 week is really special 2 me. For the first time I join the orientation committee. On the 1st day of the binding camp I was in group 6. I was vote to be the team leader for the group. To be honest I lacked of confidence to be the leader but lucky for me the group always gives me moral support. My group name eagle but call iggo in Nigeria, our cheer was awesome n so are the other group. I learned a lot of Nigeria culture from efosa. At 1st I scared of he coz he body is so tough n look like a gangster but after know he I never though I could be that close. During the binding camp, i get to know other OC better through game. During that time also I begin to trust all the OC. I also learn to dance, seriously I can’t dance coz my body “keras like kayu” but with encouragement from the other OC especially Kailing I try as best as I can n starter to enjoy it. The 2nd day we have a forum by the ex-OC, they came from far just to help us to be a better OC but we take thing 4 granted. After the forum steve was so frustrated coz we didn’t appreciate ex-OC help n advice that he shout at us while the ex-oc look on. Becoming an OC is really important to him. 1 of the ex-OC nicky tells us why the ex-oc came to cyberjaya, because we lacked of the OC passion. Nicky lead us to sing the OC song ‘those were the days’, the lecturer room is foe was electrified! We got the spirit. We sing n dance with passion! The ex n senior OC lead us n they done a great job. The next day we play game. During playing of the game that I forgot the game name, 1 of my group stracy got injured because my lacked of leadership. I was feeling so down n guilty that time until I thinking 2 pass the leadership to the other group member. Winter critic me for my mistake n my weakness, coz of lacked of time I didn’t have the time 2 say I want to quit as the group leader n we straight away start our simulator hunt. I try to improved n remember back what winter say to me. I become more caring for my group member. Stracy got a great character, ever though she is injured she still want to follow the team n be there for us, which give me more spirit n passion to really perform better. We do everything together, stick as a team ever though we way behind other team but for me I just want us to bind as a team, learn something from it. The simulator hunt is really challenging coz that what we must get thro during the orientation week, I learn a lot in this hunt. 1 of my group member sureen fainted in our last station, I ask everyone 2 stop doing our task coz for me life is more important. We try 2 contact mmu emergency but none of us got the number so we plan 2 carry he to the clinic nearby……….until teresa put sureen n find out it just a act. The purpose of this test is what we should do during emergency like this coz this will happen during the orientation week n we need to be prepared. At night we have another night hunt. It was so much fun until I forgot how tired I was, king water steve become a really evil king =P but then our next pitstop is at jiun station. Jiun came in with a happy face n care about us. I notice jiun is tired but he passion for the OC make he work really hard n very gentlemen, I saw jiun true character n I was so impress until I say 2 myself I want to be a great OC like he, happy go lucky, funny, gentlemen, protect other member and caring. After the treasure hunt jiun was so down coz he think he let the OC down coz he treasure hunt station did not work out as plan that make the last 2 team play a different game but to tell u the true jiun…….u never let the team down. We appreciate ur effort, cant deny to make that game is so hard! turning FOE to a scary place is not easy my friend. I don’t think I can did like what u did. On Friday we get to know our task for the orientation week. I was surprise to find out I got the OC mobile task, before I came to the OC camp I wasn’t planning to be a mobile coz I don’t think I good enough n have a lot more people who is more qualify to be a mobile then me. I never thought my leader have so much trust on my so I say to myself I must do my best. I lucky I have a great mobile partner. Kailing really help me a lot, that what make me want to perform better coz I want to be a good partner. That night it our OC graduation night. We go to FOE in a very special n different way, FOE full of candlelight. Nicky confess to us what he feeling when 1 of he friend passed away in a car accident n how much he regret he did not get know he better. Nicky ask us to write on a paper about our life from childhood until know. During that night we confess about each other, this is something I never done before. I never confess 2 everyone about my life ever to my bestfriend. I get to know my friend better n we become closer.

The binding camp really development myself as a person. When I send my resume to become an OC, I just want to make friend and develop my leadership skill. When I came to cyberjaya campus, I miss mmu Melaka so much coz I leaving my close n bestfriend there. During my 1st sem I did not have lot of close friend other then my roommate. After the binding camp I realize what I want for this orientation week……..I want the freshies to have friend in cyberjaya, I want the freshies to have a life here. It really hard when u have to go study to place far away from family and friend, it harder when u are alone in a new environment. I found my passion, my passion to make the freshies to have a life here, to have a friend, to have fun n sad moment together n to make this orientation week a success. I get more then what I hope for and I know it my turn to repay what my OC family done for me by give my commitment n passion for the orientation week.

Orientation Week 2009/2010

Sunday, June 7th,

It was the moment everybody waiting for, the day orientation begins. I was given the task to help out at the hostel. During this time, I made new friends with the freshies. The 1st briefing began at 3pm. 2/3 of the freshies were guys. I read the news, the government always says that guys are always too lazy to continue study after school, but times have changed. This year’s freshies are so incredible! They sang permata dunia with passion! I was impressed; I never thought they could master the song in such a short time. Steve did an excellent job as the mc to lead the freshies. During this time also I faced my most challenging task ever, 1 of my groupmate named vinol is handicap. In my mind I was already wondering (and worrying a-bit) how I can get him more involved in certain activities during the orientation. I wanted to help him fit in better and have a good life here. Luckily I got a group with a great personality, everybody take care vinol, not only the OC but the freshie also. KZ is the most helpful, he there for vinol 24/7, they just meet but I can see from KZ eyes that he really want to help vinol. KZ transfer to vinol room to take care of him. Because of the lacked of road for handicap from MPH to hostel, Vinol have to used other road that is more far and take longer time. With the high temperature vinol and KZ still trying to go for the orientation, I really admire and look up at them both. I proud on vinol who face a difficulty but have the never give up attitude and KZ who sacrifice he own orientation for vinol. During the post mortem. Many of senior OC critic us because then are so mistake, some of the senior feel that we are not passion like they.

Monday, June 8

Before the 5.30am roll call for the muslim, I can not sleep because I let the OC down.i only have like 30minute of sleep that night. The day begin with the orientation week opening ceremony (hate our new MMU president so much because of he working style and lacked of leadership and communication with the student).we have a lot of fun in the MPH. At night we have treasure hunt. At first then were a few miss communication but we work it out. It also Kailing birthday, after my group finish the treasure hunt we sing birthday song for kailing. However, the treasure hunt didn’t work on as plan coz of mistake by MMU staff. Treasure hunts suppose to bind the team together but we fail to do that because after the treasure hunt everybody was so tired with no passion. The next day so many people did not come in the morning. We suppose to make the freshie have the passion for orientation but we fail. Sorry freshie….

Tuesday, June 9,

Lacked of sleep but we try to make it. We have so much fun until we forgot to sleep (except during briefing)

Wednesday, June 10

It time for MMU got Talent night! This is the OC last chance to make it right! We have done so many mistakes to the freshie. This night is the turning point for the whole orientation n we make it! The freshie are electrified and united. Then are 1 group who really Malaysia because of 4 language they used which is bahasa melayu, Chinese, Indian and English. This is what I hoping for the orientation, make friend no matter races and religion. My freshie group won the best cheer award. At first we done a few mistake for our 1st cheer but in the end we change strategy and earn a lot of senior OC respect, Group 15 & 8 make a strong comeback after were write off. I so proud for my freshie.

Thursday, June 11

Every beginning has an ending. It a very emotion night of all of us. For 2 week we work, we laugh, we sing, we hurt together. After the closing ceremony we make a sharing moment section. The light in MPH turn off, only candlelight are used and some music that we always listen during the orientation play with low volume. Then the freshie video was play, follow by OC video. For the last time the song “we will get there” and “those were the days” was play. We know it was the end, ever though we study at the same campus but we know it hard for everybody to be at the same place at the same time, it very hard to stop doing thing that we have passion for, it hard for us to do thing we love together, it hard to let the great memory go. The OC and the freshie confess about what they feel, MPH become quiet, sad and tear were hear inside MPH. this 2 week experience is something I can not forget.

I saw freshie come here hoping for a new beginning, a new life.

I saw OC with passion do they best to make this orientation a success.

I saw people without hand or legs come here to do the impossible.

I lucky to get know these amazing people and I will forever remember this great experience.

Thank you to the OC, ex-OC and freshie